Vision, Mission, and

Statement of Faith

Kingdom Bible Institute enables those desiring to serve God in ministry to be trained locally to qualify for various ministry leadership certificates, and to grow into ministerial licensing and ordination. It is for those not necessarily pursuing degrees yet hungering for a stronger biblical background or needing to develop a particular ministry skill.

 If the local church is to carry out the Great Commission, our Bible Institute will need men and women who will:

Saturate:  immerse themselves in the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the methods of God to reach the harvest.

Infiltrate:  reach every generation in homes, schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, marketplaces and cities with the salt and light of the gospel.

Proliferate:  add new members to the Body of Christ daily and build up the Kingdom of God

By identifying, training and releasing godly Christian leaders into ministry, we will keep our charge and develop men and women who minister effectively to a hurting world.

Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Kingdom Bible Institute will strengthen people to walk in their priesthood with Christ-like maturity.

We will edify the body through teaching, spiritual guidance, genuine fellowship and worship.

 We will equip each member for their life mission and ministry that they may exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in their walk.

Values Statement

  • The Bible: The inspired Word of God is the foundation of all we teach.

  • ​Moral Excellence: faculty, staff and students have a personal responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, doing all for His glory, and to abstain from every form of evil.

  • Academic Excellence: staff, students and faculty are expected to give their highest effort.

  • Mature, healthy, reproducing leaders, who are committed to investment in developing mature, healthy, reproducing leaders, make the best faculty.

  • Christ followers, who are pursuing biblical understanding, make the best students.

  • Commitment to finish well, to be dependable, and to help others, is central to our success as a Bible Institute.

  • Diversity in gender, ethnicity, generation, economic status, geographic background, mother tongue and church experiences provide opportunities to break down barriers and grow in brotherly love.

Our Philosophy of Education

To deliver excellent education to a diverse population via online methods to the glory of God, KBI seeks to provide for students the following four components of a Christ-centered educational experience:

 1. Higher education based upon a Christian worldview

​2. An educational and social environment that affirms and strengthens the faith

​3. Knowledge and skills for embodying the faith and capably communicating the Gospel

​4. Tools to think and act as Christian disciples and servants in our increasingly complex world

​Our Christian worldview permeates everything we teach, everything we do and everything we are. We expect this worldview to be evident in all our classrooms, no matter the subject.

Bible Institutes for the 21st Century

As one looks at the Bible Institute movement in America since 1882, it is not hard to see the parallels between that time and the present. Both were times of economic upheaval and dramatic societal change. Both were times when increasingly the cost of a Christian college or seminary education was out of the reach of the average "person in the pew" who wanted to receive more training in Bible and ministry skills. Both were times when Evangelicals found themselves as part of a world, and even a Church, that did not appreciate its zeal for seeking to build a kingdom of God through aggressive missionary and evangelistic missionary efforts. Both were times when biblical illiteracy was on the rise and the need for renewal in the Christian education ministries of the Church was great. God chose to use the Bible institute movement, which began in the 1880's in a mighty way to prepare several generations of Christian workers for the church in America and around the world. What is God planning to do with and through the Bible institute movement of the 21st Century?    

Many believe the church today can profit greatly from the continued health of its established Bible institutes and will see an increase in those spiritual dividends through the birthing of even more such institutes--institutes which are begun in the spirit of those who started the movement over a hundred years ago. In reflecting on his institute ministry, Dr. A. B. Simpson wrote:


This work originated in the felt need for a simple, spiritual and scriptural method of training for Christian work the large class of persons who desire to become prepared for the thorough and efficient service for the Master, without a long, elaborate, college course. It aims . . . to lead its students to simple and deeply spiritual experiences of Christ, and to recognize the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Ghost as the supreme and all essential qualification and enduement for all Christian ministry; and to give them a thorough instruction in the Word of God, and a practical and experiential training in the various forms of work (Cook 1930, 4 and 5).     


Amen! May God give us more Bible Institutes in the spirit of Dr. A. B. Simpson!

At Kingdom Bible Institute, we offer biblically based curricula that are created by an accredited Christian curriculum designer, which gives our students the advantage of earning a credential that is recognized by organizations, both Christian and secular, around the world. Why is accreditation so important to today's Christian workers? Ralph Enlow, former Executive Director of Accreditation for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), states it this way: Accreditation is primarily about two things: assurance and quality. It assures prospective students, families, communities, and other educational institutions that a college is accomplishing its mission with integrity and a commendable measure of excellence. It also functions as a catalyst to spur institutions to ongoing effectiveness and continuous improvement.


To the leadership of Kingdom Bible Institute, assurance and continuous improvement are essential qualities of a Bible Institute that serves God and His people with excellence. Offering courses from an accredited Christian curricula designer assures us that our students are receiving the most up to date information and methods available to the Church for establishing the Kingdom of God in the earth. Continuous improvement guarantees that our students are not stuck in methodologies and theologies of the past but move with the Spirit of God as He fills and qualifies them for service and draws non-believers into the kingdom.