KBI has been established as one of the most affordable ways to gain ministerial credentials and earn diploma credits in this area. Our diploma credits are transferable AND less expensive than most community college credits. In addition, we have payment plans that will assist students in meeting the financial obligations of furthering their education. Credits are $120 each, which means a one-credit course is $120!


Fees and books are charged in addition to the tuition. With payment plans that stretch out over the length of the course, you can't afford NOT to enroll in these high-quality, convenient, and life-changing courses! Our students graduate educational-debt free and ready for ministry!

Course Costs - Amazingly Affordable!

  • Enrollment Fee $50 (with first course only)

  • Tuition $ 120

  • Textbook $ 20




Include your name, KBI, and what you are paying for.

EX: Sarah Saint, KBI, OT Survey Book



Include your name, KBI, and what you are paying for.

EX: Bob Believer, Exalt His Name, Tuition


There are many people who would like to enroll in KBI but even our low tuition rate does not fit their budgets. You can sponsor an individual student or donate anonymously and allow KBI to choose the recipient. A donation in any amount will be most appreciated.


Suggested Scholarship Donations are listed here, and may be made to assist an individual, or as a general scholarship which the school will apply to a needy student's account.


$20 Donation for books

$50 Donation for Enrollment Fee

$120 Donation for tuition

$250 Donation for Instructor's stipend

Or any other amount the Lord puts on your heart.

To make a Scholarship Donation, please use the Zelle or CashApp options noted above and indicate your name and type of scholarship. All donations will go directly to Greater Shiloh Church. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for your gift. 

Annual Fund Donations help us to defray the cost of maintaining our database, advertising, and promoting the school to the community and surrounding churches. You may not need the courses we are offering, but your donation could make the difference in someone's life who desires to serve the Lord and needs the encouragement to pursue their heart's desire. Again, to make a donation, use the Zelle or CashApp options above and indicate your name and Annual Fund.