Why KBI ?

Welcome to Kingdom Bible Institute

We are so happy that you are exploring the possibility of taking courses with us at KBI!

Most of your questions can be answered here in FAQ format. If you don't see your question here, please phone us or use the handy email form at the bottom of the page. Click on the QR code to go to the Enrollment Form. We'll be happy to help you.

Is there an age limit for students?

Anyone aged 16, or a Junior (11th grade) in high school, or older, who desires to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God, of Christian ministry, and of how God desires to use them, is welcome to apply. Anyone may attend, from new believers to those preparing for Ordination. Enrollment is not limited to members of Greater Shiloh Church. 

Does the student choose the courses taken, or is there a set program of study?

Students may choose any course being offered. Some courses have pre-requisites which must be fulfilled before taking the course. Courses are offered one at a time, one night a week. A minimum of five students must be enrolled in a single course. If less than five students are enrolled, the course will be postponed. 

Our partner institution, Evangelical Training Association, offers Certificates for bundled courses in a particular topic. For example, a Foundational Church Certificate for those who complete four courses as prescribed, bears four diploma credits. Each course runs for twelve weeks, two hours per week.

Are there semesters or terms when courses are offered?

KBI runs on a three-semester schedule. Courses are 12 weeks long. We usually have a month off between courses, sometimes it stretches to five weeks if there is a holiday during the break. A 4-credit Certificate can be completed in about 15 months taking one course at a time. Students receive a course schedule when they enroll. Time off is given during most holidays and church events (Women of Excellence Conference, Men’s Conference, Church Anniversary, etc.).


Who are the faculty and what are their qualifications?

Greater Shiloh Church has been blessed with many highly qualified instructors and we have tapped into our pool of skilled teachers for KBI. The courses from ETA may be taught by individuals with a bachelor's degree coupled with years of ministry involvement. Each course comes with lecture notes and materials specifically designed to assist the instructors with their lessons. Most students feel that the classes are rewarding and applicable for ministry. Assessments of the course and the instructor are given at the end of each course. These are used to help with training and improving the classroom experience.

What if I haven't written a paper or read a college level text in many years? Can I still enroll? 

Of course! While the subject matter and texts are on college level, you will find the instructors very helpful and supportive. Your fellow students are also an encouragement. No one is put on the spot or singled out in the classroom. If you are having difficulty with homework, the instructor will help you get up to speed. After a couple of weeks, most students feel right at home and find the classes fun, as well as inspiring.

Do you allow students to audit the courses?

Yes, students are allowed to audit after the minimum number of students (5) is reached. Auditing students do not do homework and do not take tests, and do not participate in class discussions. They are there for personal enrichment. There is an Auditing Fee in place of tuition, and the auditing student must purchase the texts and materials used in the course. Some students have decided after a couple of weeks that they really want to take the course for credit. This can be arranged by turning in all homework, taking tests, and paying the tuition.

What if I need to miss a class? 

Always let your teacher know in advance, whenever possible, that you will miss a class. The State of Pennsylvania and the educational institutions have requirements for seat time when earning credits is involved. To meet these requirements, there can be only two absences from the 12-week ETA courses. Courses are not recorded. 

Where do I purchase the textbooks, and how much are they?

All ETA course textbooks are available for purchase from the church for $20. Only one book order is placed, two weeks before classes begin. If you have missed that deadline, you can order online from public booksellers. At registration, the required texts and materials will be listed for each course, and the approximate cost for each. Books must be purchased before the course begins, since you will have a homework assignment due the first week of class! Depending upon whether you purchase new or used books online, and which vendor you purchase from, most books range in price from $5 to $20. Books that can only be purchased from the school will always be new books, and we will charge our cost, not the retail price.​

How much is tuition, and do you have payment plans?

For information on tuition and fees, please refer to the Tuition/Fees/Scholarships page.


Are there forms to be completed? How do I apply?

  • You may pick up application materials at our table when we are promoting the Institute at the church, or

  • You can complete the application by clicking on the QR Code above

Please note that there is a $50 Enrollment Fee for first-time students. Please refer to the Tuition/Fees/Scholarship page for instructions for paying the fee. Thank you for your cooperation.

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For more information, please complete the email form. Our administration team will reach out to you shortly.