Faculty — in pursuit of academic excellence

“Be an example to all believers in what you teach, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity”

1 Tim. 4:12 (NLT).

 In our pursuit of academic excellence, we offer specially designed curricula, gifted and Holy Spirit-empowered instructors, balanced biblical perspective, and application-oriented training.

 All instructors at KBI must meet KBI's qualifications to teach in our program. For credit hours to transfer to other institutions, the instructor must have a minimum of a bachelor's degree. We also require that our instructors have significant (at least two years) experience in ministry. KBI will make exceptional efforts to ensure that the instructors meet these requirements.

If you think you may qualify to teach a course in KBI, please contact the Director. You will be asked to supply:

  • official transcripts from all higher education institutions you have attended

  • your resume or curriculum vitae

  • a ministry profile

  • a letter of recommendation

  • a completed Teaching Certificate application for ETA, along with a $15 Fee. Certification to teach is reviewed every three years.

 After you have been assigned a course, you will be asked to sign a contract and you will receive the text and materials for the course. Contractual agreement includes required attendance at training for use of educational technology and instruction in creating syllabi, classroom management, assigning meaningful homework, assessing application of material taught. Instructors will be evaluated in a live classroom setting, with recommendations for improvement, and scheduled follow-up observation. At the six-week marker you will receive half the amount of stipend stipulated in the contract. The balance will be paid when you submit your final grades at the end of the course.

 Let us introduce you to some of our esteemed faculty members. Many more will be added as their courses are scheduled.

Our Faculty