Kingdom Bible Institute’s academic programming can help you reach a whole new place in your life. As you explore your program of interest, you'll see how knowledge and faith—together—position you to make a positive, lasting difference in the world around you. Our program requires no previous theological training and will reward you with a greater appreciation of the Bible and its impact on the world..

​We offer 18 courses in 4 areas of study that will enhance your understanding of your position in Christ, the legacy of the Christian Church, your local church, your calling, and your ministry.

The KBI Difference

  • 18 courses in 4 areas of study

  • 10-12-week class session

  •   Convenient evening courses on Zoom

  •   Accomplished faculty

  • Transferrable diploma credits

  • Budget-friendly tuition and fees

Our partnership in education

KBI has partnered with a nationally recognized institution in Christian higher education to provide our students with the most up-to-date teaching and best practices in Christian ministry.

Evangelical Training Association (ETA) is a world-renowned Christian training organization since 1930 and offers courses in the basics of Christian life and ministry. Those who plan to become lay leaders within the church will find the courses foundational to their growth as believers and servants to the Body of Christ. ETA courses are 10-12 weeks each, with 2-hour classes one night a week. They may be short, but they are power-packed! The texts for these courses are offered in traditional print version or e-books available online.


These ETA Certificates will set a foundation for you in:

  • Christian Education:  Learn how to study and teach the Bible; explore student growth and development and how to meet their unique learning needs; learn how to develop and direct discipleship and small group ministries within the church; expand your knowledge of the history and philosophy of Christian Education in America.

  • Christian Caregiving: Examine how science and faith apply to mind, body, emotion, spirit, language and social development over the life span of every person.

  • Christian Missions: Understand God’s eternal purpose – to prepare a people for Himself from all the nations of the earth; deal with the evangelism dimensions of the pastoral ministry; explore biblical truths and teachings of the Christian Church; survey the major religions that are practiced in the world today; evaluate biblically the history, theology and evangelistic thrusts of alternative religious (cultic groups) in America.

  • Christian WorkersStudy the practical aspects of administration within the church setting, including organization, planning, staff selection, motivation and training evaluation, and general leadership principles and problems; develop team ministry strategies for church growth and health; study biblical principles and methods of training believers for ministry and leadership in the church.

  • Biblical StudiesIntroduction to the key figures, places, events and themes of the Old Testament and New Testament; Explore biblical history and develop a deeper understanding of your core beliefs; explore church history and theology and how to share your faith; study the prophets, apostles, psalms, biblical languages, and more; cultivate your understanding of the Bible and how it applies to leadership and ministry to others.

  • General Theology: Examine theological topics such as the Doctrines of Christianity, of Revelation, of the Scriptures, of God, of the Holy Spirit, of Angels, of Satan and Demonology, of Man, of Sin, of Christ, of the Atonement, of the Eternal States.

The Benefits of taking courses in KBI

At KBI, you'll also gain a Christian foundation to inspire further your life purpose. Whether you are a high school student planning for college, a college student seeking Christian perspective in your field of study, an adult professional ready to intentionally pursue your life purpose, or a “second lifer” who has achieved your goals in the secular world and are now looking for meaningful ministry, KBI is here for you and will help you achieve your goals. You will be guided by a team of faculty members who will mentor you and champion your success

The benefits of taking courses in KBI are too many to enumerate, but these will do for a start:

  • Gain a deeper and more profound understanding of God’s Word

  • Develop a theological understanding of the various doctrines of our faith

  • Be equipped for effective ministry

  • Be available and prepared to answer God’s call

  • Do great exploits in His name!

  • Diploma-credit transferability into a degree program

  • Graduate with no educational debt!

KBI-ETA Course Descriptions

FCM 101 – Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity – A strategy for growing toward Christlikeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity. Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, we become more intentional in our use of time and methods. This course emphasizes our relationship to God’s Word for guidance. Author: Gary C. Newton  ISBN #978-0-910566-45-2

FCM 102 – Understanding People – To truly understand people we must combine the rigorous formal study of developmental issues with our own observations and thorough study of Scripture. As biological, cognitive, socioemotional, and spiritual ministry implications are addressed for each major age division, this course helps the Bible teacher to work with all ages of people more effectively. Author: Cheryl Lynn Fawcett, ISBN #978-0-910566-99-5.

FCM-103 – Old Testament Survey, Part 1 – Genesis through Esther. A sweeping overview of God’s working from creation through the early days of His chosen people. Studying the Old Testament is of immense value to today’s reader to affirm the importance of Christian heritage and the rule of God over His creation. The Old Testament reveals a self-portrait of God, what He has done and is doing through history with His grand design to restore relationship with his creation, along with prophecies of the coming Messiah. Author: Garnett Reid, ISBN #9078-1-929852-82-6

FCM 104 – Old Testament Survey, Part 2 – Job through Malachi. Pre-requisite FCM 101 – The Message of the books of poetry and prophecy gives insight into God’s dealings with His people. This course relates the great writings of the prophets to us today. End-Time prophecies are found in the Old Testament. The course is arranged in chronological sequence to avoid duplication of historical background information. Author: Garnett Reid, ISBN 978-0-910-566-47-6.

SCM 201 – New Testament Survey - This book brings unity and chronological sequence to New Testament study by weaving the contents of the books around a central theme---the person of Christ. Divisions are the synoptic Gospels, Gospel of John, Book of Acts, Pauline Epistles in chronological order, General Epistles, and Book of Revelation. Author: Walter M. Dunnett, ISBN #978-0-910566-03-2

SCM 202 – You and Your Bible - Believers should be well informed about the Word of God. God created mankind in his own image and likeness for the purpose of contact and communion with Him. This course presents the inspiration and authorship of the Bible; how it was preserved, why we believe it, how to deal with its problems and critics, the role of archaeology and ways to study it more effectively. Author: R. Laird Harris, ISBN 978-0-910566-12-4.

SCM 203 – Biblical Beliefs - What was it that lead to the early church's success? Early Christians overcame persecution to become the most dominant religious force the world has ever known -- not success in financial terms or political influence. Their fundamental faith commitments supported a manner of life that linked beliefs and behavior, or doctrine and practice. The Apostle Paul warned that deceptions are a significant danger to Christians. Truth, then, becomes essential for living in perilous times. Author: W. Jackson Watts, ISBN #978-1-929852-10-9.

SCM 204 – Beyond Reasonable Doubt - Aside from personal faith in God, is there evidence to substantiate the claims of Christianity? You be the judge! An introduction to the study of apologetics, this book will take a step-by-step approach through the well-documented evidence and help you reach a verdict that could change your life. Author: Robert J Morgan, ISBN #978-0-910566-70-4.

ACM 301 – The Triune God - This work is a popular presentation addressing the contemporary need for confidence in God: the personality and work of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity is clearly expounded in this timeless treasure from ETA's founder, Clarence H. Benson (1879-1954) who was a moving force and tireless advocate for the effective training for ministry in local churches. ISBN #978-0-910566-09-4.

 ACM 302 – The Truth About Worldviews - In a world where multiple "truths" abound, Christians need to be on their guard to avoid deception by other ways of looking at the world in opposition to Christ and His Word. To be prepared is to be well informed of how other worldviews differ from Christianity. This work analyzes the main world religions, cults, and philosophical systems relating to spirituality, morality, and the meaning of life. Author: James P. Eckman,  ISBN #978-1-929852-47-5.

ACM 303 – Understanding Teaching – Elective This book is an attempt to place within the hands of church leader-teachers and academics the practical substance of teaching the Bible for life-change. The desire to be on the teaching team with the Holy Spirit to help people be inspired and motivated to live for Christ is at the center of the writing. Providing practical techniques and know-how also is intended. The process of working to prepare, present, and evaluate teaching. Author: Gregory C. Carlson, ISBN #978-0-910566-21-6.

ACM 304 – Teaching Techniques – Elective - Pre-requisite: Understanding Teaching. This course continues examination of teaching methods used in church education. Making appropriate choices need not be daunting task. This course discusses the teaching methods of Jesus, what constitutes effective teaching, and why educational psychology informs our teaching methods. Author: Dr. Ken Riggs, ISBN #978-1-929852-40-6.

ACM 305 – Exalt His Name, Part 1 – Elective - Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together, Psalm 34:3.

“The Psalmist” draws all of life into proper perspective: he reminds us to ”Magnify and Exalt the Name of the Lord, Together.” His "Oh, . . . Let Us [Magnify and Exalt}" is not a recommendation to be considered. It is an imperative to be obeyed. Four essential ingredients to this imperative deserve attention. The first three essentials are relatively easy to understand and follow. Pondering the last essential, “with me, together” may take a bit more time, and the purpose for this study course. Author: Vernon M. Whaley, ISBN #978-0910566-00-1. 

 ACM 306 – Exalt His Name, Part 2 – Elective - Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!  Let your glory be over all the earth! Psalm 57:11. Pre-requisite: Exalt His Name, Part 1. This book is a resource tool for individuals, worship teams, worship leaders, and pastors to use in practicing worship. Although "music" is in the book's subtitle, this is not a music fundamentals, technique, or methods ("how to") resource.  Rather, this is a handbook that delivers biblical, historic, and philosophical principles for the use of music in worship. As a devotional book, the writing style and materials discussed are intentionally practical to the everyday life of a worshiper. As a teaching tool, the materials are insightful, engaging, and resourceful. Author: Vernon M. Whaley, ISBN #978-0-910566-02-5


LCM 401 – Evangelism for the 21st Century - Contemporary evangelism is not really different--and yet extremely different--than any other time in history. The world of the first disciples was full of idolatry, political corruption, and gross immorality; much like our own culture. We must be bold, offer hope, be genuine, build relationships, and emphasize wholeness. Author: Kevin Riggs, ISBN #978-1-929852-88-8.


LCM 402 – Perspectives from Church History - Written as a basic introduction to the subject, this course covers four major periods of church history: The Ancient Church, The Medieval Church, The Reformation Church, and The Modern Church. The focus of this study is to gain perspective, both comforting and challenging, to many current issues faced today. Studying history gives understanding of the complexities and richness of Christian faith and doctrine, as well as reinforcement that the Church will triumph. Author: James P. Eckman, ISBN 978-0-910566-67-4.

LCM 403 – Biblical Leadership - This relevant and important book will help you grasp a New Testament picture of leadership that is person-centered and team-centered. Rather than basing ministry on secular principles, the timeless biblical strategies of placing people to use their gifts in service will help you grow in self-perception, skills, and vision as a leader. Author: Kenneth O. Gangel, ISBN #978-1-929852-80-2.

LCM 404 – Christian Ethics - There is a difference between "ethics" and "morals." Ethics do not change. Morals reflect the changing whims of culture. For the Christian, ethics must be rooted in the absolutes revealed in God's Word to inform and nurture our moral conduct. In the postmodern era, Christians must learn to think biblically and identify how we relate to culture. This book explores a synthesis, viewed through the lens of Scripture, to formulate a strategy for today. Author: James P. Eckman, ISBN #978-0-910566-79-7.


CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES: From time to time, KBI also offers continuing education courses for graduates of ministerial training, pastors, deacons, and other seasoned believers. These courses are not evaluated for diploma-credit. The curricula are developed by in-house teachers, and topics are chosen by the President, the Director, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Continuing Education Courses are offered on the same schedule as ETA courses, 12 weeks, one night a week. Some courses are repeated frequently. In the past, textbook titles have been:

The Holy Spirit and You, by Dennis and Rita Bennett

The Power and Purpose of Prayer, by Dr. Miles Munroe

The Purpose and Power of the Holy Spirit, by Dr. Miles Munroe

The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the Book of Revelation, by Todd Hampson

The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times by Todd Hampson

How to Hear the Voice of God, by Henry Blackaby

Doing What Jesus Did, by John and Sonja Decker

Christ the Healer, by F. F. Bosworth

Seven Arrows: Aiming Bible Readers in the Right Direction, by Matt Rogers and Donny Mathis